Cave Story, AKA, Doukutsu Monogatari, is a truly excellent MetroidVania Styled Game created by Daisuke Amaya, and released in 2004 as a freeware game. Here are 2 amazing clone/ports of it. is the excellent port that runs on _km PicoDrive, Notaz did a phenomenal job Updating PicoDrive to handle the port! The port, itself, was done with the amazing work and dedication of andwn! The 2nd port runs via _km NXEngine This truly great Engine was done by Caitlin Shaw The great people at libretro ported this over. I thank fetzerch, bparker06, twinaphex, yoshisuga, fr500, RobLoach, andwn, PokeEngineer, aliaspider, vanfanel, and all else who take precious time out of their days and nights to do bring such greatness to us all! Anyone else involved in ANY of this, that I did not mention... I thank you, personally! I am distributing these under fair use, without intention of profit, on the basis of the original code being free of mods other than the Eng Translation patch that the great group Aeon Genesis put together! And, for all intents and purposes, it is freeware. Those of you who love this game, be sure to check out and buy one of its more recent incarnations! If anyone has issue with said distribution, Open up an Issue on my Github, and I will remove the content. Thank You! To install Cave Story (En) for _km NXEngine, 1. Extract Cave Story (En) 2. Add Doukutsu.exe via Hakchi2, as the main file 3. Command line /bin/nxengine 4. Copy the REST of the files into the same directory 5. Enjoy the Awesomeness! To install Cave Story for MD (MegaDrive/Sega Genesis), 1. Install _km Pico Drive 2. Add via Hakchi2 3. Command line /bin/32x 4. Enjoy the Awesomeness!