I do all my work in HxD, so try this Hex Editor and see if that helps. How to setup a new Game. 1. Open, POPS Header.data, Japan Game Licence.data and your game img. Now make sure your at the start of your game img. 2. If your game is not Japan, you need to edit the game's Licence data to Japan. To do so, just copy all of "Japan Game Licence.data" and add it over the start of your game img/bin. Make sure to do "Paste write" If your game is Japan then you don't need to do this, as its on. 3. Now just open "POPS Header.data" and add it to the start of your IMG/BIN... in the end your game IMG/BIN will be 1MB bigger. Make sure to do "Paste insert". How to setup the Emu. 1. Use uLE442b_Hacked.elf or ULE442_ev.ELF. 2. Set is like this: PP.POPS-00001\ |-EXECUTE.ELF (In PP.POPS-00001 folder) |-EXECUTE.KELF (In PP.POPS-00001 folder but only needed if going to boot by it) |-MYDUMP.BIN (In PP.POPS-00001 folder) |-disc (In PP.POPS-00001 folder) |-disc0 (disc0 is in disc folder and needs to be the original Bishi Bashi Special 3 Demo) 3. Run EXECUTE.ELF or Setup on HDD-OSD as a Game Icon, then run from that.